SDRN Conference 2007

Submitted by pgmcintosh on Mon, 03/09/2007 - 12:08

Conducting a Clinical Trial, Study Day Held on Wednesday 6th June 2007 at Westpark Centre, Dundee. The study day was aimed at new and relatively inexperienced research nurses and designed to cover the essential tasks required to conduct a clinical trial. Twenty-one delegates attended on the day – Diabetes Research Nurses (10), Diabetes Specialist Nurses (2), Paediatric (MCRN) Research nurses (3), Stroke Research Nurse (1), R&D Research Nurse (1), Paediatric Research Nurse in Respiratory Medicine (1), Cardiology Research Nurse (1), SDRN GP (1), SDRN Administrator (1).


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First Patient Recruited to a Study

Submitted by pgmcintosh on Wed, 21/02/2007 - 09:46

First patient recruited to the first SDRN-adopted Study in Dumfries Royal Infirmary on 14th June 2007.


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First Patient on the Research Register

Submitted by pgmcintosh on Wed, 21/02/2007 - 09:46

The Research Register laws launched in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee on the 21 February 2007. Within 3 days, 30 patients had joined the register.


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SDRN Launch Conference

Submitted by pgmcintosh on Wed, 30/08/2006 - 09:23 Tue, 29/08/2006 - 09:00 - 17:00, Westpark Centre, University of Dunde.

Extract from the University of Dundee Press Office: Press call: 9.15 am, Tuesday August 29th West Park Conference Centre, Dundee. The Scottish Diabetes Research Network (SDRN), a major initiative to facilitate an increase in diabetes research within Scotland, will be launched at a conference in Dundee on August 29th. Commissioned by the Chief Scientist’s Office, the SDRN has been set up as part of the UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) to accelerate development and adoption of better treatments and new techniques in diabetes research and treatment.


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